[Jts-topo-suite-user] GitHub?
Sebastian Kürten
2015-12-16 14:19:43 UTC
While looking for an "official" GIT clone of the JTS SVN repository, I
found your GitHub profile and it appears that some sub-projects have
been moved there. Are you by any chance interested in moving the main
repository to GitHub or a similar service?

There did not seem to be any clone of the SVN-repository on GitHub yet
that reflected the full commit history of the project, so I gave both
the GitHub importer[1] and the svn2git tool[2] a try. The latter did a
better job in preserving the authorship information of the commits. In
case you're interested at all, here's what svn2git produces: [3].

What is a bit odd however is that the resulting GIT repository has
1113 commits while the SVN repository has 1117 revisions.

Among the clones without the full commit history there is a fork from
user 'metteo', who seems to merge in your changes regularly. I'm not
sure if you're aware of this fork. Interestingly the user seems to have
moved the build system from Ant to Maven, which I read from your October
presentation on the website to be one of the future plans for
deployment... maybe this could be a starting point.

[1] https://import.github.com/new
[2] https://github.com/nirvdrum/svn2git
[3] https://github.com/topobyte/jts
[4] https://github.com/metteo/jts

Martin Davis
2015-12-21 18:27:03 UTC
Thanks for the info, Sebastian. It's certainly worth considering to join
the crowd and move JTS to GitHub. It maybe be worth coordinating this with
the upcoming move to LocationTech - I'll ask around and see what's the

On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 6:19 AM, Sebastian KÃŒrten <
Post by Sebastian Kürten
While looking for an "official" GIT clone of the JTS SVN repository, I
found your GitHub profile and it appears that some sub-projects have
been moved there. Are you by any chance interested in moving the main
repository to GitHub or a similar service?
There did not seem to be any clone of the SVN-repository on GitHub yet
that reflected the full commit history of the project, so I gave both
the GitHub importer[1] and the svn2git tool[2] a try. The latter did a
better job in preserving the authorship information of the commits. In
case you're interested at all, here's what svn2git produces: [3].
What is a bit odd however is that the resulting GIT repository has
1113 commits while the SVN repository has 1117 revisions.
Among the clones without the full commit history there is a fork from
user 'metteo', who seems to merge in your changes regularly. I'm not
sure if you're aware of this fork. Interestingly the user seems to have
moved the build system from Ant to Maven, which I read from your October
presentation on the website to be one of the future plans for
deployment... maybe this could be a starting point.
[1] https://import.github.com/new
[2] https://github.com/nirvdrum/svn2git
[3] https://github.com/topobyte/jts
[4] https://github.com/metteo/jts
Jts-topo-suite-user mailing list
Andrea Ross
2015-12-21 19:59:46 UTC
Dear Martin, & Everyone

I recommend choosing Github as part of the move to LocationTech. We can
help you with that.

Kind regards,

Post by Martin Davis
Thanks for the info, Sebastian. It's certainly worth considering to
join the crowd and move JTS to GitHub. It maybe be worth coordinating
this with the upcoming move to LocationTech - I'll ask around and see
what's the consensus.
On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 6:19 AM, Sebastian Kürten
While looking for an "official" GIT clone of the JTS SVN repository, I
found your GitHub profile and it appears that some sub-projects have
been moved there. Are you by any chance interested in moving the main
repository to GitHub or a similar service?
There did not seem to be any clone of the SVN-repository on GitHub yet
that reflected the full commit history of the project, so I gave both
the GitHub importer[1] and the svn2git tool[2] a try. The latter did a
better job in preserving the authorship information of the commits. In
case you're interested at all, here's what svn2git produces: [3].
What is a bit odd however is that the resulting GIT repository has
1113 commits while the SVN repository has 1117 revisions.
Among the clones without the full commit history there is a fork from
user 'metteo', who seems to merge in your changes regularly. I'm not
sure if you're aware of this fork. Interestingly the user seems to have
moved the build system from Ant to Maven, which I read from your October
presentation on the website to be one of the future plans for
deployment... maybe this could be a starting point.
[1] https://import.github.com/new
[2] https://github.com/nirvdrum/svn2git
[3] https://github.com/topobyte/jts
[4] https://github.com/metteo/jts
Jts-topo-suite-user mailing list
Jts-topo-suite-user mailing list
*Andrea Ross*
Director, Ecosystem Development, Eclipse Foundation <http://eclipse.org>
Twitter: @42aross <http://twitter.com/42aross>, Mobile: 1-613-614-5772
Rob Emanuele
2015-12-21 20:25:45 UTC
Sounds like a solid TODO task for the LocationTech incubation sprint!
Post by Andrea Ross
Dear Martin, & Everyone
I recommend choosing Github as part of the move to LocationTech. We can
help you with that.
Kind regards,
Thanks for the info, Sebastian. It's certainly worth considering to join
the crowd and move JTS to GitHub. It maybe be worth coordinating this with
the upcoming move to LocationTech - I'll ask around and see what's the
On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 6:19 AM, Sebastian KÃŒrten <
Post by Sebastian Kürten
While looking for an "official" GIT clone of the JTS SVN repository, I
found your GitHub profile and it appears that some sub-projects have
been moved there. Are you by any chance interested in moving the main
repository to GitHub or a similar service?
There did not seem to be any clone of the SVN-repository on GitHub yet
that reflected the full commit history of the project, so I gave both
the GitHub importer[1] and the svn2git tool[2] a try. The latter did a
better job in preserving the authorship information of the commits. In
case you're interested at all, here's what svn2git produces: [3].
What is a bit odd however is that the resulting GIT repository has
1113 commits while the SVN repository has 1117 revisions.
Among the clones without the full commit history there is a fork from
user 'metteo', who seems to merge in your changes regularly. I'm not
sure if you're aware of this fork. Interestingly the user seems to have
moved the build system from Ant to Maven, which I read from your October
presentation on the website to be one of the future plans for
deployment... maybe this could be a starting point.
[1] https://import.github.com/new
[2] https://github.com/nirvdrum/svn2git
[3] https://github.com/topobyte/jts
[4] https://github.com/metteo/jts
Jts-topo-suite-user mailing list
*Andrea Ross*
Director, Ecosystem Development, Eclipse Foundation <http://eclipse.org>
Jts-topo-suite-user mailing list
Martin Davis
2015-12-21 20:35:31 UTC
Excellent - I'll look forward to discussing this further then.
Post by Rob Emanuele
Sounds like a solid TODO task for the LocationTech incubation sprint!
Post by Andrea Ross
Dear Martin, & Everyone
I recommend choosing Github as part of the move to LocationTech. We can
help you with that.
Kind regards,
Thanks for the info, Sebastian. It's certainly worth considering to join
the crowd and move JTS to GitHub. It maybe be worth coordinating this with
the upcoming move to LocationTech - I'll ask around and see what's the
On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 6:19 AM, Sebastian KÃŒrten <
Post by Sebastian Kürten
While looking for an "official" GIT clone of the JTS SVN repository, I
found your GitHub profile and it appears that some sub-projects have
been moved there. Are you by any chance interested in moving the main
repository to GitHub or a similar service?
There did not seem to be any clone of the SVN-repository on GitHub yet
that reflected the full commit history of the project, so I gave both
the GitHub importer[1] and the svn2git tool[2] a try. The latter did a
better job in preserving the authorship information of the commits. In
case you're interested at all, here's what svn2git produces: [3].
What is a bit odd however is that the resulting GIT repository has
1113 commits while the SVN repository has 1117 revisions.
Among the clones without the full commit history there is a fork from
user 'metteo', who seems to merge in your changes regularly. I'm not
sure if you're aware of this fork. Interestingly the user seems to have
moved the build system from Ant to Maven, which I read from your October
presentation on the website to be one of the future plans for
deployment... maybe this could be a starting point.
[1] https://import.github.com/new
[2] https://github.com/nirvdrum/svn2git
[3] https://github.com/topobyte/jts
[4] https://github.com/metteo/jts
Jts-topo-suite-user mailing list
*Andrea Ross*
Director, Ecosystem Development, Eclipse Foundation <http://eclipse.org>
Jts-topo-suite-user mailing list
Jts-topo-suite-user mailing list
Sebastian Kürten
2016-01-02 15:22:20 UTC
Nice to hear that this fits well with the move to LocationTech.

While working with the imported git repository[1] I mentioned earlier
in this thread, I realized that there is a problem with newline
characters in all text files. As explained here[2], the proper way to
work with newlines across different operating systems and git's object
database is to basically store all text files with unix newlines within
git. The git client can then make sure that it checks files in and out
of the object database with the correct newline characters depending on
the operating system of the user.

This usually works out of the box for normal git operations, because
the git clients (especially on Windows machines) are configured to
perform the necessary conversion on the fly and transparently by
default. However, the JTS subversion repository stores all files with
Windows newlines at the moment. The svn2git tool does not detect or fix
this (because the underlying git-svn command doesn't). Hence there
would be problems with diffs in the future, because git would be
confused about line endings. (Besides complaining about invalid line
endings, it would also assume many lines changed that really did not on
future commits)

The line endings can easily be fixed with a tool such as 'dos2unix'.
Now we could fix all files after the import into git and create a huge
commit changing basically all text files. However, it would then become
hard to compare versions of the same file from before and after the fix,
because the diff would always contain the whole file, hence obscuring
the real changes.

I think a better approach is to fix the line endings for each commit in
the complete history of the project. Fortunately, git comes with the
'filter-branch' subcommand that allows us to perform such a conversion.
Since the whole process of importing becomes a bit more complicated,
I've set up a project[3] containing some scripts that perform the
import into git and the mentioned textfile conversions.

I have imported the project to git again with fixed newlines and is
visible on GitHub under the same address as before[1]. Since the
history of the repository has been rewritten, you can't just 'git pull'
but will have to check it out into a fresh directory. For anyone
interested in the results from svn2git without the fixes applied, I
have kept the old repository online for the moment as well[4].

[1] https://github.com/topobyte/jts
[2] https://help.github.com/articles/dealing-with-line-endings/
[3] https://github.com/sebkur/jts-svn-to-git
[4] https://github.com/topobyte/jts-broken-newlines

On Mon, 21 Dec 2015 12:35:31 -0800
Post by Martin Davis
Excellent - I'll look forward to discussing this further then.
Post by Rob Emanuele
Sounds like a solid TODO task for the LocationTech incubation sprint!
On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 2:59 PM, Andrea Ross
Post by Andrea Ross
Dear Martin, & Everyone
I recommend choosing Github as part of the move to LocationTech.
We can help you with that.
Kind regards,
Thanks for the info, Sebastian. It's certainly worth considering
to join the crowd and move JTS to GitHub. It maybe be worth
coordinating this with the upcoming move to LocationTech - I'll
ask around and see what's the consensus.
On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 6:19 AM, Sebastian Kürten <
Post by Sebastian Kürten
While looking for an "official" GIT clone of the JTS SVN
repository, I found your GitHub profile and it appears that some
sub-projects have been moved there. Are you by any chance
interested in moving the main repository to GitHub or a similar
There did not seem to be any clone of the SVN-repository on
GitHub yet that reflected the full commit history of the project,
so I gave both the GitHub importer[1] and the svn2git tool[2] a
try. The latter did a better job in preserving the authorship
information of the commits. In case you're interested at all,
here's what svn2git produces: [3].
What is a bit odd however is that the resulting GIT repository has
1113 commits while the SVN repository has 1117 revisions.
Among the clones without the full commit history there is a fork
from user 'metteo', who seems to merge in your changes regularly.
I'm not sure if you're aware of this fork. Interestingly the user
seems to have moved the build system from Ant to Maven, which I
read from your October presentation on the website to be one of
the future plans for deployment... maybe this could be a starting
[1] https://import.github.com/new
[2] https://github.com/nirvdrum/svn2git
[3] https://github.com/topobyte/jts
[4] https://github.com/metteo/jts
Jts-topo-suite-user mailing list
Jts-topo-suite-user mailing
*Andrea Ross*
Director, Ecosystem Development, Eclipse Foundation
<http://twitter.com/42aross>, Mobile: 1-613-614-5772
Jts-topo-suite-user mailing list
Jts-topo-suite-user mailing list
Björn Harrtell
2016-01-12 21:21:54 UTC
I look forward to this hopefully happening!

It will surely improve the possibilities for collaboration.

I've been working on a non-trivial set of patches to JTS and was hit hard
by the the line ending issue.

Post by Sebastian Kürten
Nice to hear that this fits well with the move to LocationTech.
While working with the imported git repository[1] I mentioned earlier
in this thread, I realized that there is a problem with newline
characters in all text files. As explained here[2], the proper way to
work with newlines across different operating systems and git's object
database is to basically store all text files with unix newlines within
git. The git client can then make sure that it checks files in and out
of the object database with the correct newline characters depending on
the operating system of the user.
This usually works out of the box for normal git operations, because
the git clients (especially on Windows machines) are configured to
perform the necessary conversion on the fly and transparently by
default. However, the JTS subversion repository stores all files with
Windows newlines at the moment. The svn2git tool does not detect or fix
this (because the underlying git-svn command doesn't). Hence there
would be problems with diffs in the future, because git would be
confused about line endings. (Besides complaining about invalid line
endings, it would also assume many lines changed that really did not on
future commits)
The line endings can easily be fixed with a tool such as 'dos2unix'.
Now we could fix all files after the import into git and create a huge
commit changing basically all text files. However, it would then become
hard to compare versions of the same file from before and after the fix,
because the diff would always contain the whole file, hence obscuring
the real changes.
I think a better approach is to fix the line endings for each commit in
the complete history of the project. Fortunately, git comes with the
'filter-branch' subcommand that allows us to perform such a conversion.
Since the whole process of importing becomes a bit more complicated,
I've set up a project[3] containing some scripts that perform the
import into git and the mentioned textfile conversions.
I have imported the project to git again with fixed newlines and is
visible on GitHub under the same address as before[1]. Since the
history of the repository has been rewritten, you can't just 'git pull'
but will have to check it out into a fresh directory. For anyone
interested in the results from svn2git without the fixes applied, I
have kept the old repository online for the moment as well[4].
[1] https://github.com/topobyte/jts
[2] https://help.github.com/articles/dealing-with-line-endings/
[3] https://github.com/sebkur/jts-svn-to-git
[4] https://github.com/topobyte/jts-broken-newlines
On Mon, 21 Dec 2015 12:35:31 -0800
Post by Martin Davis
Excellent - I'll look forward to discussing this further then.
Post by Rob Emanuele
Sounds like a solid TODO task for the LocationTech incubation sprint!
On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 2:59 PM, Andrea Ross
Post by Andrea Ross
Dear Martin, & Everyone
I recommend choosing Github as part of the move to LocationTech.
We can help you with that.
Kind regards,
Thanks for the info, Sebastian. It's certainly worth considering
to join the crowd and move JTS to GitHub. It maybe be worth
coordinating this with the upcoming move to LocationTech - I'll
ask around and see what's the consensus.
On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 6:19 AM, Sebastian KÃŒrten <
Post by Sebastian Kürten
While looking for an "official" GIT clone of the JTS SVN
repository, I found your GitHub profile and it appears that some
sub-projects have been moved there. Are you by any chance
interested in moving the main repository to GitHub or a similar
There did not seem to be any clone of the SVN-repository on
GitHub yet that reflected the full commit history of the project,
so I gave both the GitHub importer[1] and the svn2git tool[2] a
try. The latter did a better job in preserving the authorship
information of the commits. In case you're interested at all,
here's what svn2git produces: [3].
What is a bit odd however is that the resulting GIT repository has
1113 commits while the SVN repository has 1117 revisions.
Among the clones without the full commit history there is a fork
from user 'metteo', who seems to merge in your changes regularly.
I'm not sure if you're aware of this fork. Interestingly the user
seems to have moved the build system from Ant to Maven, which I
read from your October presentation on the website to be one of
the future plans for deployment... maybe this could be a starting
[1] https://import.github.com/new
[2] https://github.com/nirvdrum/svn2git
[3] https://github.com/topobyte/jts
[4] https://github.com/metteo/jts
Post by Martin Davis
Post by Rob Emanuele
Post by Andrea Ross
Post by Sebastian Kürten
Jts-topo-suite-user mailing list
Post by Martin Davis
Post by Rob Emanuele
Post by Andrea Ross
Jts-topo-suite-user mailing
Post by Martin Davis
Post by Rob Emanuele
Post by Andrea Ross
*Andrea Ross*
Director, Ecosystem Development, Eclipse Foundation
<http://twitter.com/42aross>, Mobile: 1-613-614-5772
Post by Martin Davis
Post by Rob Emanuele
Post by Andrea Ross
Jts-topo-suite-user mailing list
Post by Martin Davis
Post by Rob Emanuele
Jts-topo-suite-user mailing list
Jts-topo-suite-user mailing list