Phil Scadden
2016-07-21 21:40:26 UTC
I reduced precision in the geometryFactory in attempt to make the
polygonizer work. Now I have problem with TopologyException with union
when trying to fix self-intersecting rings.
My code for dealing with self intersecting rings...
private static boolean addLineString(LineString lineString,
Polygonizer polygonizer){
GeometryFactory gf = lineString.getFactory();
if(lineString instanceof LinearRing){
lineString =
// unioning the linestring with the point makes any self
intersections explicit.
Point point = gf.createPoint(lineString.getCoordinateN(0));
Geometry toAdd = lineString.union(point);
Coordinate[] c = toAdd.getCoordinates();
if (c[0].equals(c[c.length-1])) {
//Add result to polygonizer
// System.out.println(toAdd.toText());
return true;
} else {
// if the ring consists of point a,b,c,a where a-b-c are essentially
colinear, then union destroys the ring - discard it
System.out.println("Straight line detected: " +
return false;
lineString.union(point) produces topography exception:
"/found non-noded intersection between LINESTRING ( 1566269.0 5566171.0,
1566550.0 5566381.0 ) and LINESTRING ( 1566565.0 5566390.0, 1566266.0
5566169.0 ) [ (1566295.5094339622, 5566190.811320755, NaN) ]"
/These two lines are nearly parallel, and do intersect. I am working
with 7 digits of precision in the input coordinates and can hardly see
how it is reasonable to reduce precision further. Is there a better way to
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polygonizer work. Now I have problem with TopologyException with union
when trying to fix self-intersecting rings.
My code for dealing with self intersecting rings...
private static boolean addLineString(LineString lineString,
Polygonizer polygonizer){
GeometryFactory gf = lineString.getFactory();
if(lineString instanceof LinearRing){
lineString =
// unioning the linestring with the point makes any self
intersections explicit.
Point point = gf.createPoint(lineString.getCoordinateN(0));
Geometry toAdd = lineString.union(point);
Coordinate[] c = toAdd.getCoordinates();
if (c[0].equals(c[c.length-1])) {
//Add result to polygonizer
// System.out.println(toAdd.toText());
return true;
} else {
// if the ring consists of point a,b,c,a where a-b-c are essentially
colinear, then union destroys the ring - discard it
System.out.println("Straight line detected: " +
return false;
lineString.union(point) produces topography exception:
"/found non-noded intersection between LINESTRING ( 1566269.0 5566171.0,
1566550.0 5566381.0 ) and LINESTRING ( 1566565.0 5566390.0, 1566266.0
5566169.0 ) [ (1566295.5094339622, 5566190.811320755, NaN) ]"
/These two lines are nearly parallel, and do intersect. I am working
with 7 digits of precision in the input coordinates and can hardly see
how it is reasonable to reduce precision further. Is there a better way to
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